Participate > Submission guidance

There are different ways to take part in TRTM 2025. Here, we provide guidance for the following types of participation: Invited talk, Poster, and Participation only.

Posters and Invited talks

  • Please use the link under the TRTM logo to login to your existing account or to create a new one (if necessary).
  • Go to "My submissions" and then "Submit an abstract", where you can find this abstract template and further instructions for submission.
  • The information you supply during submission will be posted online (once your submission is accepted), and so, your submission must not include any confidential information or information that you or your co-authors would not like to be made public.
  • If you need to pass any confidential information to the organisers, please email the TRTM secretary directly.
  • In particular, email the TRTM secretary to inform that you fall within the scope of the EDI-related positive actions, as defined in the TRTM's Statute: please only inform us about the existence of the need for the EDI-related positive action to be triggered but do not identify the reasons why.
  • If you need a visa invitation, email the TRTM secretary, who might request additional information for the invitation to be issued.
  • If a correction needs to be made to a submission already accepted (and posted), email the TRTM secretary.

Self-nominations for invited talks

  • Invited talks by self-nomination is one of the main features of the TRTM's bottom-up up structure.
  • Submission of a self-nomination implies that the applicant believes that they are able (in terms of their skills, expertise, and results) to prepare and to present the talk of their chosen format and intends to attend in-person TRTM 2025, organised as specified in its Statute.
  • Please use the web interface to submit your talk's abstract (mandatory), indicating its type and format either as an in-depth report [of a recent discovery or discoveries], or a [topical] roadmap, or a [topical] tutorial, or another format you believe to fall within the scope of the Round Table.
  • Any optional information in support of your self-nomination (see the TRTM Statute) must be emailed directly to the TRTM secretary.
  • The cut-off dates for consideration are 2 September 2024 (the early cut-off date, results communicated during w/c 30 September 2024), 11 November 2024 (results: w/c 9 December 2024), and 3 February 2025 (deadline for submission of self-nominations for invited talks, results: w/c 3 March 2025).
  • Abstracts for self-nominations that do not go through will be considered alongside the other submissions (see below).
  • If submitting after 18 November 2024 and intending to participate anyway (i.e. with or without a talk), ensure that you submit as early as possible, since the submission date will determine the selection priority.


  • Poster presentations form an important part of the TRTM, while the Best Poster award(-s) may provide an alternative pathway to becoming an invited speaker at the next edition of the TRTM and then a member of its Scientific Advisory Board.
  • Please use the web interface to submit your poster's abstract, indicating its type and format as a complete result, a preliminary report [for ongoing research], or a new project, team or laboratory for presentation of a recently started research project, a newly established laboratory or team, or another format you believe to fall within the scope of the Round Table.
  • The early cut-off date for consideration is 18 November 2024 (results communicated during w/c 2 December 2024).
  • Abstracts submitted after 18 November 2024 will be accepted on the "first come, first served" basis.

Participation only

  • Email the TRTM secretary (including an optional motivation letter) to inform us about your intention to participate in TRTM 2025 without giving a presentation.
  • The early cut-off date for consideration is 18 November 2024 (results communicated during w/c 2 December 2024).
  • Applications after 18 November 2024 will be accepted on the "first come, first served" basis.
  • If your application is accepted (before or after the early cut-off date), you may request to convert it into a poster later, by emailing the TRTM secretary.
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